Genesis, a student in Ms. Jones second grade class, excels in all subjects. Her love of learning led to her being selected for the STEM program. Determination fueled by that love has allowed her to place in the top 3 each year at our Lego engineering competition.
Genesis loves the opportunities TKA makes available to her through competitions and events. Realizing that hard work is the key to success, she understands the importance of diligence in her schoolwork. During this year’s MAP testing she was faced with a 3rd grade math problem on a concept she had not yet learned. Using the skills she has been given here at TKA, she was able to figure out the problem and was excited to get the correct answer.
Observing her neighborhood, she sees areas of trash and evidence of homelessness all around her. A desire to have a clean community, help the homeless, and protect others from the wrong actions of people, has given her a desire to be a police officer. Because of you, that dream can come true.
meet samarian
From the moment you meet Samarian, his sweet spirit is evident. His servant’s heart guides him to seek opportunities to help his teachers and classmates. In Ms. Jones second grade class you can always count on Samarian to be polite and a good listener.
Speaking with friends in the community, Samarian has noticed that although TKA has many things in common with the large public schools, the one difference is God. He loves that throughout his day his learning is seasoned with God’s truths and sees the evidence of it in his teachers.
Samarian loves math and hopes his math skills will enable him to enter the military. As he sees the world around him, he realizes that there is a need to protect his home. Because of you, that dream can come true.

Mila has been with TKA since her PK4 year. Growing up at TKA, she loves learning in Ms. Jones 2nd grade class. Math is Mila’s favorite subject, and she looks forward to learning new concepts.
Arriving home, Mila always finishes her homework first before going outside to play with friends. When asked why homework is important, Mila stated that it will help her to get smarter. At this young age, she already has the importance of education instilled in her.
One day, Mila hopes to become a teacher and with the example set by TKA, she plans to pass her faith on to her students. She also has a vision of a classroom where students share her passion for math. Because of you, that dream can come true.
meet chance
Attending TKA for 5 years, Chance has come to appreciate the opportunities he is given through TKA’s many programs. Along with his favorite subject history, Chance loves learning more about black history through the many speakers and events that are hosted here. To personally learn from Opal Lee about the many challenges she overcame was the highlight of his year.
Having struggled with a stutter was frustrating to Chance as he tried to communicate but was often misunderstood. Speech therapy offered at TKA changed his life. Chance went from frustration to confidence as he competed in both a speech meet, and a spelling bee this year.
Chance is looking forward to one day being a pastor. Watching the teachers at TKA spread God’s Word to students and parents has shown him the change the Word of God can have on people’s lives. Because of you, that dream can come true.

MEET noah
Noah is currently in the 5th grade at TKA and his teachers all remark on his great attitude, humor, and artistic ability. Navigating 5th grade can be difficult but Noah is known to always stay true to himself.
He credits his teachers and specialized tutoring for the marked increase in his reading and math scores. Knowing that TKA provides this support system makes the challenging parts of learning less stressful. Learning PEMDAS has been so helpful to Noah that he hopes to one day pass that knowledge along to others learning math.
Noah’s dream is to graduate high school and join the Army. Although he’s not sure exactly what that looks like, his desire is to serve his country and to be a hero. Because of you, that dream can come true.