Our Stones of Remembrance
In Joshua 4:1-6, God commands the children of Israel to chronicle His enduring faithfulness to them by building a visible monument of twelve stones. Like the Israelites, we have witnessed God’s faithfulness in bringing us to this point in history – to be able to make an official announcement of the opening of The King’s Academy in fall August, 2019. We would like to share with you a few of our stones of remembrance:


BridgeBuilders Ministry is formed under the direction of Mike Fechner. This ministry was formed to bring faith, hope, and love to the Bonton/South Dallas Community. Prestonwood Baptist Church, under the leadership of Dr. Jack Graham was and still is a major supporter of this ministry. In 2012, a couple of years before Mike lost his battle with cancer, he shared his vision to start a Christian school in Bonton.


Bonton Farms is formed under the direction of Daron Babcock to provide an agricultural intervention to restore lives, create jobs and ignite hope in Bonton/South Dallas Community. One of the six pillars of Bonton Farms to transforming a community is education for children and adults.

the king's academy 2017 norman miller


Norm Miller, Chairman of the Board of Interstate Batteries, contacted Daron Babcock to discuss the possibility of starting a Christian School in the Bonton/South Dallas Community. In fact, years earlier, Norm was one of the key leaders interested in funding the original vision for a school shared by Mike Fechner.


Daron Babcock and Norm Miller reached out to Dr. Larry Taylor, Prestonwood Christian Academy (PCA) Head of School, to assist with the development of a Kingdom education school in the Bonton/South Dallas community. A meeting was held between several Board members from Bonton Farms, Prestonwood Christian Academy, and Prestonwood Baptist Church, including Daron Babcock, Norm Miller and some of his key personnel at Interstate Batteries. The vision was shared, followed by prayer.

the king's academy board event members in 2017


A small group of current and former Prestonwood Christian Academy Trustees, and Prestonwood Church leaders began to meet weekly to conduct strategic planning sessions, and to prayerfully explore God’s plan. After much planning and prayer, this group felt God’s prompt to move forward in providing leadership in launching and overseeing the school in Bonton. Four different groups agreed to advancing the Christian school—Bonton Farms, Prestonwood Christian Academy, Prestonwood Baptist Church, and Norm Miller-Interstate Batteries.


Norm Miller commits to providing start-up funding for the school. This leadership gift provides the two to three-year funding essential to launch the school.


The King’s Academy’s school board is formed, and a Head of School is officially hired. Dr. Shailendra Thomas, a nationally respected educator and leader, felt God’s call on her life to return to the same community she grew up in as a child to lead The King’s Academy.

December 12, 2018

Launch Date for The King’s Academy!

August 17, 2019

Opening Ceremonies/Parent/Teacher Orientation held for 27 students/families. Dr. Jack Graham delivered a celebratory message.

August 19, 2019

First Day of School! The King’s Academy opens with three Early Childhood classes: PreK4, kindergarten, and first grades. A faculty/staff of 10 Christian educators are prepared to provide an exemplary Kingdom Education.

September 12, 2019

Dedication Ceremonies were attended by approximately 100 guests. Dr. and Mrs. Norm Miller were recognized for the major role they played in the school’s conception.

January 2020

According to data from MAPS assessment, report cards, and faculty, students are flourishing academically and spiritually. The school met its’ 2019-2020 school enrollment goal of 30 students and opened a PreK3 classroom.

March 2020

School closed due to the world-wide pandemic and instituted a remote learning program.

August 2020

School started its second year with 51 students in grades PreK3 to second grades, offering in-person and remote learning options.

August 2021

School began its third year with 68 students in grades PreK3 to third grades, offering in-person, hybrid, and remote options.8